Supra Agent Training Resources

Questions about how Supra works or common troubleshooting issues? Find many answers and helpful resources in the training videos below, or on our Supra FAQ page.

Live Training – Provided by Supra Support

Supra is now offering live Zoom trainings specifically for agents! See the current schedule and topics on the Supra Training Page!

Training Videos

A complete list of training resources can be found on the Supra Resources page.

Authorize eKey AppHave you changed phones or uninstalled the Supra eKey app? Follow the steps in the video to authorize your eKey. If you haven’t been issued an eKey, you’ll need to make an appointment first. Find more information about getting an eKey here.

Obtain Key & Open ShackleNeed a refresher on how to open a lockbox or remove a shackle? Here’s a video to walk you through the steps.

Assign a Listing to an iBox: Having a Supra iBox on your listing gives the listing agent ways to easily share information with buyers, but agents need to assign the iBox to the MLS listing first. Watch the video to learn how.

Call-Before-Showing (CBS) Codes: Does your client want extra assurance that a buyer won’t show-up unannounced? Or does an appraiser need the CBS code to enter the property? Learn how to enable and use the CBS feature on your Supra iBox.

Payment ManagementNeed to change your payment informaion? That can now be done through the Supra eKey app.

Helpful Tips

Change eKEY PIN: Within the Supra eKEY App, go to the “More” menu on the bottom right. Select “About eKEY App”, and then “Change PIN”. Follow the instructions to update your eKEY PIN.

Not finding the answers you need?

Contact MJAR at 609-392-3666, Option 1, or by email at, and one of our Supra Administrators will be happy to help.